For a Fistful of Credits was inspired by the incredible art and writing of the fandom where creators turned our favorite space characters into rough cowboys and outlaws. This zine wishes to bring all these creators together for the greatest collection of Star Wars in the wild west.

This project is fan organized and made for non-profit with proceeds going towards production and charity. In no way is For a Fistful of Credits tied to nor endorsed by Lucasfilm Ltd. LLC or The Walt Disney Company. All characters depicted in For a Fistful of Credits belong to Lucasfilm Ltd. LLC and The Walt Disney Company.


Our wonderful team consists of Em, Emme, Jill, Amber, Bird, Cass, Guidance, Kjersten, Tex, Tip, Shy and Suits!


The proceeds raised by the zine are going to be donated to the National Indigenous Women’s Resource Center! The National Indigenous Women’s Resource Center, Inc. (NIWRC) is a Native-led nonprofit organization dedicated to ending violence against Native women and children. The NIWRC provides national leadership in ending gender-based violence in tribal communities by lifting up the collective voices of grassroots advocates and offering culturally grounded resources, technical assistance and training, and policy development to strengthen tribal sovereignty.We are so excited to be supporting this wonderful charity! Thanks to everyone who voted!


Interest CheckApril 22ndMay 10th
Mod ApplicationsMay 12thMay 20th
ResultsMay 20thMay 21st
Contributor ApplicationsMay 21stJune 10th
ResultsJune 20thJune 21st
Creation PeriodJune 26thSeptember 1st
Pre-OrdersOctober 15thNovember 20th
Production PeriodNovember 27thFebruary 10th
ShippingFebruary 18thOngoing
Seconds SaleTBDTBD
Closing and DonationTBDTBD



  • Creators will have full creative control over how they design any Star Wars characters in the Wild West- however they will be prompted to make edits should any character design fall under racist or whitewashing categories.

  • Examples: Cad Bane or Ahsoka could still be their canon species but dressed up in western attire (or normally for Cad Bane). They could have horses and carts or ships and blasters. Up to you!

  • OC's can be in the zine but only as background characters, not the main focus of the art or writing.

  • Content rating for the core zine will be PG-13 or lower.

  • NSFW add-on for the zine will be pinups only - no shipping.

  • Creators applying for the NSFW portion must be at least 18+.

Topic Claim

  • We will be doing a topic claim with a few characters having limited spots available.

  • This is to limit everyone wanting to do the same characters and promote diversity in the zine.

  • Contributors will be asked to list their top three characters/groups they wish to draw during applications.

  • Topic claim slots will not determine if someone is accepted or not, only on what they contribute to the zine.

  • We ask that contributors at least have an idea of what characters they would like to draw/write upon applications for the zine.


  • Ships not approved on the list below will not be allowed in the zine

  • Master/Padawan or Clone/Clone

  • We will not be excluding contributors based on the fandom content they create outside the zine.

  • The zine is not the space for arguments.


  • Racism, homophobia, slurs, or prejudice against someone's religion will not be tolerated under any circumstance.

  • If someone admitted to the zine as a contributor is found harassing other creators, they will be removed from the zine.


What is a zine?
A zine is a collection of work, in this case, it’s going to be a collection of Star Wars Wild West AU art and writing! You do not have to pay to apply for this zine when applications open.

Where can I learn more about the zine?
As of right now we have a twitter, instagram and tumblr! We should have the link to the carrd in the bio's very soon! (we have it up now because you're here reading this!)

Who are the current mods involved so far?
You can check out our current mod team here.

Will there be a writing mod specifically for the writers?
Yes! We currently have one writing mod already but are looking to bring on another when we open mod applications!

What is your projected timeline?
The timeline is still in works, but will be published soon! You can see our current schedule here.

Any idea when submissions will be open/deadline?
Contributor applications will be open May 21 to June 10th.

How will you let us know when/if we're picked?
Emails will be sent out on June 20th, which will be 10 days after applications close!

Will this zines profits be donated to charity?
Yes! Our chosen charity is the National Indigenous Women’s Resource Center. You can read more about it here.

Is the zine going to be physical copies?
We are selling both physical and digital copies!

Will you ship internationally?
We are looking into having two mods, one for international shipping and another for domestic (US) shipping. The hardest part will be doing two big orders of each item to ship to separate countries, so it also depends on the overall interest in the zine.

I love the idea of this, I love cowboys! My only concern and suggestion is to be wary of how much sheriff imagery is used, especially with the badges. The sheriff badge is modeled off what slave catchers in the United States would wear, and they still use it to this day.
As someone who studies sociology, this is a major concern I also have. Alongside the “classic” Western of “cowboys versus Indians”, Wild West has some major issues that go alongside it. We are going to do our best to educate and include a text near the start of the zine about this issue.
- Mod Em

Will this zine be strictly SFW or NSFW as well?
The zine itself will be SFW but there will be a PDF NSFW pin-up styled add-on available at an additional cost.

What’s the zine stance on problematic ships?
We understand shipping is a controversial issue. This zine will not allow works containing problematic ships into the zine, however, we do not condone the harassment of creators who engage in that sort of content. Please see our guidelines for further explanation.

Would ship art be acceptable in the zine as well or will it be as platonic as possible?
Certain ships will be allowed into the zine but depending on their popularity will be limited through a topic claim so as to promote different ideas in the zine. Please see our guidelines for further explanation.

Would there be specific designs to go by for the westernized characters or is it just free creative reign?
Since this is a collection from various artists and writers it will be up to them how they decide to handle the various aliens in Star Wars! If they want to incorporate space in their wild west, they can! We want to showcase as many ideas and concepts of Star Wars wild west as possible so all ideas and concepts are welcomed!

I don't currently have a twitter, would that be required?
Nope! We have a twitter, instagram, and a tumblr where links and announcements will be made. Contributors are required to have a discord so we can have things in a central location!